
Research Culture in Architecture

International Conference on Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration in Architecture:
27.–28. September 2018, 
fatuk, Fachbereich Architektur der TU Kaiserslautern

Gebäude 1, Raum 1-160, Raum 1-019, Raum 004,
Pfaffenbergstraße 95, 67663 Kaiserslautern

Was ist Forschung in der Architektur? Lassen sich Forschung und Praxis der Architektur verknüpfen? Forschen in der Architektur ausschließlich Universitäten oder auch Architekturbüros?

So vielfältig die Fragen sind, so komplex ist Architektur selbst als Disziplin und entsprechend komplex und umstritten ihre wissenschaftlichen Ansätze in der Forschung. Auf der internationalen Konferenz „Research Culture in Architecture – International Conference on Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration in Architecture“ (RCA 2018) steht die Forschungskultur in der Architektur im Mittelpunkt, werden aktuelle Entwicklungen der interdisziplinären Architekturforschung vereint und ihre Forschungsansätze hinsichtlich ihrer entwerferischen Relevanz geprüft. Forscherinnen und Forscher aus Theorie und Praxis diskutieren gemeinsam über Forschungskultur in der Architektur. Die geladenen Hauptrednerinnen und -redner bieten mit ihren herausragenden, aktuellen Projekten bereits einen Überblick über die vielfältigen Forschungsbereiche und -themen. Daneben wird es Sektionen zu unterschiedlichsten Themenbereichen mit Kurzvorträgen und moderierte Diskussionsrunden geben.

Keynote Speakers

Sigrid Brell-Cokcan, RWTH Aachen, Germany

Margitta Buchert, LUH Hannover, Germany

Christian Derix, Woods Bagot SuperSpace, Sydney, Australia

Michael Hensel, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO) Oslo, Norway

Caitlin Mueller, MIT Cambridge, USA

Eike Roswag-Klinge, TU Berlin, Germany


Georg Vrachliotis, KIT Karlsruhe, Theory of Architecture

Das detaillierte Programm und weitere Informationen unter: rca2018.architektur.uni-kl.de

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The International Conference aims to discuss topics and methods in architectural research, focusing on their cross-disciplinary interrelations and their relevance to the design process itself. We are interested to see approaches to the development of a research culture in architecture.

During the Gothic period, Leonardo Fibonacci of Pisa (1180-1240) established the foundations of theoretical geometry. Back then, the masters of building were architects, artists and engineers at the same time. Geometry strongly influenced their artistic work. Unfortunately, little is passed down about their knowledge, because the architects did not write.

The Gothic period stands figuratively for the complexity of architecture and its research culture. Architecture refers to many participating disciplines such as construction, materials sciences, building physics, sociology, fabrication technology, computer science, geometry, arts, architectural history and theory. It is significant, that these disciplines are interlinked in planning, design and realization processes of architecture. Compared to other sciences this is certainly one of the reasons why the development of a research culture in architecture is more difficult.

The International Conference aims to discuss topics and methods in architectural research, focusing on their cross-disciplinary interrelations and their relevance to the design process itself. We are interested to see approaches to the development of a research culture in architecture. This conference will identify research topics and methods, encourages a research discourse and provides impulses especially for young researchers.

The cross-disciplinary interrelations will be debated through invited keynote lectures, as well as presentations of papers and posters, which have been accepted by our scientific committee. The invited experts from academia and practice will showcase pioneering projects and developments from various fields of architectural research. Additionally, the special situation of a research culture in architecture as well as research topics and methods will be discussed at round tables.


Keynote Speakers

Sigrid Brell-Cokcan, RWTH Aachen, Germany

Margitta Buchert, LUH Hannover, Germany

Christian Derix, Woods Bagot SuperSpace, Sydney, Australia

Michael Hensel, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO) Oslo, Norway

Caitlin Mueller, MIT Cambridge, USA

Eike Roswag-Klinge, TU Berlin, Germany


Georg Vrachliotis, KIT Karlsruhe, Theory of Architecture

Further and detailed informations: rca2018.architektur.uni-kl.de