
Trash it? Burn It? Use It! Rubbish Dump or Workshop?

On Creative Approaches to Trash.
Internationale Konferenz und Workshops.
30.11. – 01.12.2017
Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg (Spiegelsaal)
Steintorplatz, 20099 Hamburg

Trash it? Burn It? Use It! Rubbish Dump or Workshop? On Creative Approaches to Trash: internationale Konferenz des ifa in Hamburg

Am 30. November und 1. Dezember 2017 veranstaltet das ifa die internationale Konferenz Trash it? Burn It? Use It! Rubbish Dump or Workshop? Creative Approaches to Trash in Kooperation mit dem Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg (MKG). Die Konferenz findet im Rahmen der ifa-Ausstellung Pure Gold – Upcycled! Upgraded! statt und thematisiert die Strukturen einer globalisierten Konsumgesellschaft mit ihren unübersehbaren ökologischen Folgen Diskutiert werden Lösungsansätze der Müllvermeidung sowie der Ver- und Aufwertung von Abfallprodukten. Die internationalen Kuratorinnen und Kuratoren von Pure Gold – Upcycled! Upgraded! sowie Fachleute aus den Bereichen Umwelt, Forschung und Kreativwirtschaft führen in Keynotes in die vielschichtige Thematik ein. Als offene Plattform für Gestalterinnen und Gestalter, die Maker-Szene und die Zivilgesellschaft bietet die Konferenz Workshops, interaktive Diskurs- und Aktionsformate und weitere Vernetzungsmöglichkeiten.

Die Auftaktveranstaltung am Abend des 30. November ist als "Weltreise" konzipiert: Die Kuratorinnen und Kuratoren Volker Albus (Frankfurt), Adélia Borges (São Paulo), Tapiwa Matsinde (London), Bahia Shehab (Kairo), Eggarat Wongcharit (Bangkok) sowie Zhang Jie (Peking) stellen Designerinnen und Designer und ihre Methoden der Wiederverwendung von bereits verarbeitetem Material als Rohstoff für neue und hochwertige Objekte vor. Eingerahmt wird dies durch Beiträge von Friedrich von Borries und Angeli Sachs, Reinhard Fiedler und Axel Kufus.

Am 1. Dezember finden mehrere Workshops statt, in denen je eine Kuratorin, ein Kurator und eine Expertin oder ein Experte zusammen mit den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern experimentelle Upcycling-Methoden alltagstauglich übersetzen und aktuelle Strategien zu Up- und Recycling diskutieren. In einem großen Panel werden im Anschluss die Ergebnisse präsentiert und Formate und Methoden für zukünftige Vernetzungen besprochen.

This conference accompanies the ifa exhibition Pure Gold – Upcycled! Upgraded! and will look at the structures of a globalised consumer society and its conspicuous ecological consequences, and also discuss solutions in trash avoidance and the use and value-enhancement of waste. 

The international curators of Pure Gold – Upcycled! Upgraded! and further experts from the fields of the environment, research, and the creative economy will hold keynote talks that introduce diverse themes. The conference will also include workshops, interactive discussion and action formats and networking opportunities, as an open platform for designers, the maker scene and civil society.


THU, 30. NOV 2017
Introductions, Contributions, Insights 

The opening of the event will take the form of a “world tour”, in which the international curators present designers and their methods in reusing materials to make new and valuable objects. This tour is flanked by contributions by Friedrich von Borries and Angeli Sachs, and Reinhard Fiedler and Axel Kufus.

18:00 – 18:15
by Sabine Schulze, director of the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, and Elke aus dem Moore, head of Fine Arts at ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen)
Moderation by 
Geraldine de Bastion

18:15 – 18:30
Über Verschwendung (On Waste),
keynote by Friedrich von Borries, architect and professor of design theory at University of the Fine Arts of Hamburg

18:30 – 18:45
Die Ausstellung als Möglichkeitsraum (The Exhibition as a Space of Opportunity),
keynote by Angeli Sachs, professor at Zurich University of the Arts and curator at the Zurich Museum of Design Zurich

18:45 – 19:00 BREAK

19:00 – 20:00
World Tour: Impressions of international upcycling strategies
from the curators of the exhibition Volker Albus, Frankfurt (for Europe); Adélia Borges, São Paulo (for Latin America); Tapiwa Matsinde, London (for Sub-Saharan-Africa); Bahia Shehab, Cairo (for North Africa/the Near East); Eggarat Wongcharit, Bangkok (for Southeast Asia); Zhang Jie, Beijing (for East Asia)

20:00 – 20:15
Geschichte(n) aus dem Müll (His-Stories of Trash),
Reinhard Fiedler, innovation officer at Hamburger Stadtreinigung city waste disposal

20:15 – 20:30
Cycling Up Design,
statement by Axel Kufus, responsible for the digital platform and workshops

20:30 – 21:00 
Questions and discussion


FR, 1. DEC 2017

There will be several workshops, in each of which a curator and a further expert will experiment with upcycling methods for everyday use, and talk about current strategies in upcycling and recycling.

09:30 – 10:00
Arrival and coffee

10.00 – 10.30
Introduction of the workshop themes
Moderation by Geraldine de Bastion

10:30 – 10.45 BREAK

10:45 – 13:00
Workshop Sessions

Workshop 1-4
Actions, Cooperations and Formats in Upcycling Strategies, led by curators and experts at the conference in the Hall of Mirrors at the MKG.
Workshop 5-6
Experimental Workshops with Analogue and Digital Tools for Upcycling Practices in cooperation with The Constitute Berlin und GIG-Global Innovation Gathering in the Fab Mobile in front of the museum and in the MKG design workshop.

13:00 – 14:00 LUNCH

14:00 – 15:00
Teamwork in the workshops, part two
Preparing the panel discussion 

15:00 – 15:30 COFFEE BREAK

15:30 – 17:00
Panel:presentation of future formats and cooperation



Besides the team of international curators, speakers and experts from the fields of design, art, creative economy, research and the environment will take part in the conference:

Friedrich von Borries
is an architect, curator and university lecturer at HFBK Hamburg. He creates socially critical exhibitions such as Klimakapseln (Climate Capsules) (2010) at MKG, addressing current issues such as climate change.

Angeli Sachs
Art historian Angeli Sachs is a professor at the Zurich University of the Arts and a curator at the Zurich Museum of Design, where her exhibitions have included Global Design (2010) and Do it Yourself Design (2015).

Lapatsch | Unger
Design duo Lapatsch|Unger are responsible for the development of maker videos accompanying Pure Gold – Upcycled! Upgraded! and also for upcycling workshops at the exhibition venues around the world. Focusing on current social issues, Anja Lapatsch and Annika Unger address the narrative qualities of materials and their transferral into objects.

Reinhard Fiedler
Reinhard Fiedler, innovation officer at the Hamburger Stadtreinigung city waste disposal company, presents a real-life picture of our use of trash, analyses specific issues, and presents practical tips for action.

Christian Zöllner
Christian Zöllner is a designer and the founder of The Constitute, which organises subversive actions in urban space. In conjunction with the conference, the “laboratory bus” Fab Mobile will be in front of the MKG and will be used in conference workshops.

GIG Global Innovation Gathering
Victoria Wenzelmann, Samer Shawar (Hackerspace Vecbox, Ramallah) and Marios Mouratidis (YALLAH! exchange programme) from GIG Global Innovation Gathering, the global network of makers and socio-technological innovators, will facilitate practical experience in an upcycling workshop.

Geraldine de Bastion 
The conference is moderated by Geraldine de Bastion, political scientist and curator of re:publica, the most important European conference on digital society.

An ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen) conference in cooperation with the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg.